
Runder Tisch „Methoden Praktischer Ethik“
Der Runde Tisch „Methoden Praktischer Ethik“ (s. gleichnamiges DFG-gefördertes Wissenschaftliches Netzwerk) soll zum Austausch zu der Frage anregen, wie die Methodologie der Praktischen Ethik Orientierung bieten kann. Diskutant:innen: Norbert Paulo, Eva Weber-Guskar, Irina Schumski, Christian Seidel. Moderation: Eugen Pissarskoi.
Runder Tisch „Methoden Praktischer Ethik“
Moral Theory and Future Generations
A workshop on the moral significance of future people, organized by Valeska Martin, Korbinian Rüger, Christian Seidel & Konstantin Weber and funded by KIT, ZEPP & the German Society for Analytical Philosophy (GAP). Speakers: Jonas Harney, Tim Henning, Valeska Martin, Jeff McMahan, Kirsten Meyer, Lukas Meyer, Korbinian Rüger, Charlotte Unruh, Tatjana Visak, Konstantin Weber.
Moral Theory and Future Generations
Hate Speech: What it is & How it works
A workshop on the concept, semantics and pragmatics of hate speech, funded by the Fritz Thyssen Foundation. Speakers: Inga Bones, Alexander Brown, Katharine Gelber, Dirk Kindermann, Rae Langton, Teresa Marques, Lucy McDonald, Mari Mikkola, Mihaela Popa-Wyatt, Stefan Rinner.
Hate Speech: What it is & How it works
Ethical Impartialism
A workshop discussing contemporary perspectives on impartialism in moral philosophy – in collaboration with Tyler Paytas (Australian Catholic University, ACU) and funded by the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service). Speakers: Carla Bagnoli, Roger Crisp, Anca Gheaus, Simon Keller, Jörg Löschke, Tyler Paytas, Christian Seidel, Sarah Stroud.
Ethical Impartialism