
Runder Tisch „Methoden Praktischer Ethik“
Der Runde Tisch „Methoden Praktischer Ethik“ (s. gleichnamiges DFG-gefördertes Wissenschaftliches Netzwerk) soll zum Austausch zu der Frage anregen, wie die Methodologie der Praktischen Ethik Orientierung bieten kann. Diskutant:innen: Norbert Paulo, Eva Weber-Guskar, Irina Schumski, Christian Seidel. Moderation: Eugen Pissarskoi.
Runder Tisch „Methoden Praktischer Ethik“
Moral Theory and Future Generations
A workshop on the moral significance of future people, organized by Valeska Martin, Korbinian Rüger, Christian Seidel & Konstantin Weber and funded by KIT, ZEPP & the German Society for Analytical Philosophy (GAP). Speakers: Jonas Harney, Tim Henning, Valeska Martin, Jeff McMahan, Kirsten Meyer, Lukas Meyer, Korbinian Rüger, Charlotte Unruh, Tatjana Visak, Konstantin Weber.
Moral Theory and Future Generations
Hate Speech: What it is & How it works
A workshop on the concept, semantics and pragmatics of hate speech, funded by the Fritz Thyssen Foundation. Speakers: Inga Bones, Alexander Brown, Katharine Gelber, Dirk Kindermann, Rae Langton, Teresa Marques, Lucy McDonald, Mari Mikkola, Mihaela Popa-Wyatt, Stefan Rinner.
Hate Speech: What it is & How it works
Ethical Impartialism
A workshop discussing contemporary perspectives on impartialism in moral philosophy – in collaboration with Tyler Paytas (Australian Catholic University, ACU) and funded by the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service). Speakers: Carla Bagnoli, Roger Crisp, Anca Gheaus, Simon Keller, Jörg Löschke, Tyler Paytas, Christian Seidel, Sarah Stroud.
Ethical Impartialism
The Ethics of State Mass Surveillance
An interdisciplinary conference, funded by the Fritz Thyssen Foundation. Speakers: Peter Königs, Erik Krempel & Pascal Birnstill, Nóra Ní Loideain, Kevin Macnish, Ingmar Persson, Scott Robbins, Patrick Smith, Titus Stahl, Carissa Véliz.
The Ethics of State Mass Surveillance