Moral Theory and Future Generations

17 Nov. 2022 — 18 Nov. 2022
Centre for Ethics and Philosophy in Practice (ZEPP), LMU Munich
Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1, Main University Building, Room M210
80539 München

Although the study of the moral significance of future generations is relevant for a great number of philosophical subdisciplines, the debate is broken up into many different strands with little interaction between them. We aim to bring these strands together by adopting an open and encompassing perspective that views the moral problems regarding the ethics of future generations as a unified complex requiring input from all relevant subareas. Thus we hope to allow for new synergy effects and fruitful theoretical exchange. This area of moral philosophy (internationally known as “populaton ethics”) is a fast-growing research field. However, it has so far gained little traction in German academic philosophy. With this conference we aim to change that by bringing together German philosophers working on these questions and international experts in the field.


  • Jonas Harney (Saarland)
  • Tim Henning (Mainz)
  • Valeska Martin (HU Berlin)
  • Jeff McMahan (Oxford)
  • Kirsten Meyer (HU Berlin)
  • Lukas Meyer (Graz)
  • Korbinian Rüger (LMU)
  • Charlotte Unruh (Oxford)
  • Tatjana Visak (Mannheim)
  • Konstantin Weber (Erlangen)

The workshop is organized by Valeska Martin (HU Berlin), Korbinian Rüger (LMU Munich), Christian Seidel (KIT Karlsruhe), and Konstantin Weber (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg) and is generously funded by KIT, ZEPP, and the German Society for Analytical Philosophy (GAP).